Publications, revues à comité de lecture.
PedrottiM.L., Mousseau L., Marro S., Passafiume O., Gossaert M., Labat J.-Ph. 2017.
Variability of ultraplankton composition and distribution in an oligotrophic coastal ecosystem of the NW Mediterranean Sea derived from a two-year survey at the single cell level. PLoS ONE 12(12): e0190121
Vallet C., Labat J-Ph., Smith M., Ph. Koubbi 2011.
Interannual variations in euphausiid life stage distribution in the Dumont d'Urville Sea from 2004 to 2008. Polar Sci., 5( 2), 166-178
Koubbi P., Hulley P.-A., Pruvost P., Henri P., Labat J.-Ph., Wadley V., Daisuke H., Masato M. 2011.
Size Distribution Of Meso- And Bathypelagic Fish In The Dumont D'urville Sea (East Antarctica) During The CEAMARC Surveys Original Research Article Polar Sci., 5( 2), 195-210
Smith B.M., Labat J.-Ph., Fraser D.A., Massom A.R., Koubbi Ph. 2011.
A GIS approach to estimating interannual variability of sea ice concentration in the Dumont D'Urville Sea near Terre Adélie from 2003 to 2009. Polar Science 5, 104-117 - Tap en PDF
Cohu S., T. Thibaut, L.Mangialajo, J-Ph. Labat, O. Passafiume, A. Blanfuné, N. Simon, J-M. Cottalorda, R. Lemée 2011.
Occurrence of the toxic dinoflagellate Ostreopsis cf. ovata in relation with environmental factors in Monaco (NW Mediterranean) Marine Pollution Bulletin, 62(12), 2681-2691
Cherel Y., Fontaine C., Richard P. , Labat J.-Ph. 2010.
Isotopic niches and trophic levels of myctophid fishes and their predators in the Southern Ocean. Limnol. Oceanogr., 55(1), 324-332
Labat, J-Ph, Gasparini, S., Mousseau, L., Prieur, L., Boutoute, M., Mayzaud, P. 2009.
Mesoscale distribution of zooplankton biomass in the northeast Atlantic Ocean determined with an Optical Plankton Counter: relationships with environmental structures. Deep-Sea Research I 56 (2009) 1742-1756 - Tap en PDF
Tunin A., Ibanez F., Labat J.-Ph., Zingone A. & R. Lemée 2009.
Phytoplankton biodiversity and climate change in NW Mediterranean Sea: changes in dinoflagellate genus Ceratium over the last century. MEPS 375: 85-99
Mayzaud, P., Laureillard, J., Merien, D., Brinis, A., Godard, C., Razouls, S. and Labat, J.-Ph. 2007.
Zooplankton nutrition, storage lipid composition in different water masses associated with the Agulhas and Subtropical Fronts and resultant composition of the feces. Marine Chemistry. 107: 202-213
Perissinotto R, Mayzaud P, Nichols PD, Labat J.-Ph. 2007. Grazing of Pyrosoma atlanticum (Tunicata, Thaliacea) in the South Indian Ocean. Mar Ecol Prog Ser , 330: 1-11 - Tap en PDF
Tunin-Ley A., Labat J.-Ph., Gasparini S., Mousseau L., Lemée R. 2007. Annual cycle and diversity of species and infraspecific taxa of Ceratium Schrank (Dinophyceae) in the Ligurian Sea, NW Mediterranean. Journal of Phycology 43(6)
Guidi-Guilvard, L.D., S. Dallot & J.-Ph. Labat 2005. Variations in space and time of nematode abundances at 2347 m depth in the north-western Mediterranean. Meiofauna Marina. 14: 33-40.
Labat J.-Ph., P. Mayzaud & S. Sabini 2005. Population dynamics of Themisto gaudichaudii in Kerguelen Islands waters, Southern Indian Ocean Polar Biology, 28 (10), 776-783 - Tap en PDF
Bocher, P., Y. Cherel, F. Alonzo, S. Razouls, J.Ph. Labat, P. Mayzaud and P. Jouventin. 2002. Importance of the large copepod Paraeuchaeta antarctica (Copepoda: Euchaetidae) in coastal waters and in the diet of diving seabirds at Kerguelen Islands, Southern Indian Ocean. J. Plankton Res., 24; 1317-1333. Tap en PDF
Labat , J. Ph., P. Mayzaud, S. Dallot, A. Errhif, S. Razouls and S. Sabini (2002). Mesoscale distribution of zooplankton in the Sub-Antarctic Frontal system in the Indian part of the Southern Ocean (Antares IV Cruise, January-February 1999). A comparison between Optical Plankton Counter and Net sampling. Deep Sea Res. I, 49: 735-749.Format-PDF (802 Ko)
Mayzaud, P., V. Tirelli, A. Errhif, J.Ph. Labat, S. Razouls and R. Perissinotto (2002). Carbon intake by zooplankton. Importance of zooplankton grazing in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean. Deep Sea Res. II., 49: 3169-3187. Format-PDF (339 Ko)
Mayzaud, P., S. Razouls, A. Errhif, V. Tirelli and J.Ph. Labat (2002). Feeding, respiration and egg production rates of copepods during austral spring in the Indian sector of the Antarctic Ocean: role of the zooplankton community in carbon transformation. Deep Sea Res. I, 49: 1027-1048 Format-PDF (312 K)
Bocher P, Cherel Y, Labat J.Ph., Mayzaud P, Razouls S, Jouventin P., 2001. Amphipod-based food web: Themisto gaudichaudii caught in nets and by seabirds in Kerguelen waters, Southern Indian Ocean. Mar. Ecol. Prog.Ser. 223 :261-276. Format-PDF (360 Ko).
Perissinotto, R., P. Mayzaud, J.Ph. Labat, and S. Razouls (2001). Grazing dynamics of Euphausia spinifera in the region of the subtropical convergence and the Aguhlas front. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 58: 1- 9.
Leitão A., Boudry P., Labat J.Ph. et Thiriot-Quiévreux C. 1999. Comparative karyological study of cupped oyster species. Malacologia 41, 175-186.
Matthews, JBL., F. Buchholz, R. Saborowski, G. A. Tarling, S. Dallot & J.Ph. Labat. (1999). On the Physical Oceanography of the Kattegat and Clyde Sea Area, 1996-1998, as background to ecophysiological studies on the Planktonic Crustacean, Meganyctiphanes norvegica. (Euphausiacea). Helgol.Mar. Res., 53:70-84
Labat J.-Ph. & J. Cuzin-Roudy, 1996. Population dynamics of the krill Meganyctiphanes norvegica (M. Sars, 1857) (Crustacea : Euphausiacea) in the ligurian Sea (NW Mediterranean Sea). Size Structure, growth and mortality modelling. J. Plank. Res., 18: 2295-2312.Tap en PDF
Insua, A., J.-Ph. Labat & C. Thiriot-Quiévreux, 1994. Comparative analysis of karyotypes and nucleolar organizer in different populations of Mytilus trossulus, Mytilus edulis and Mytilus galloprovincialis. J. Moll. Stud., 60: 359-370.
de Bovée, F. & J.-Ph. Labat . 1993, Modelling of the deep meiobenthic compartment. A preliminary approach. Marine Ecology P.S.Z.N.I, 14:159-173.Tap en PDF
Cuzin-Roudy, J. & J.-Ph. Labat ,1992. Early summer distribution of Antarctic krill sexual development in the Scotia-Weddell region: a multivariate approach. Polar Biol.,12: 65-74.Tap en PDF
Labat J-Ph., 1991. Model of a shrimp population (Philocheras trispinosus) I. Simulation of the size structure. Ecological Modelling, 53 : 75-93.Tap en PDF
Labat J-Ph., 1991. Model of a shrimp population (Philocheras trispinosus) 2. Simulation of the energy fluxes. Ecological Modelling, 53 : 95-107.Tap en PDF
Labat J.-Ph. & P. Noël, 1986. Cinetical study of size structure and biological cycle of a mediterranean population of Processa edulis (Decapoda, Caridea). Investigacion Pesquera, 51 (Supp. 1) : 165-176.
Labat J.-Ph., 1984. Cycle de vie de Philocheras trispinosus (Hailstone) (Crangonidae : Decapoda) dans la région de Banyuls-sur-Mer (Méditerranée nord-occidentale). Vie Milieu, 34 : 9-16.
Boutiere, H., Bovee, F. de, Delille, D., Fiala, M., Gros, C., Jacques, G., Knoepffler, M., Labat , J.-Ph., 1982. Effet d'une crise dystrophique dans l'étang de Salses-Leucate. Oceanologica acta : 5 (4 suppl): 231-242.
Labat J.-Ph., 1980. Relation entre trois espèces du genre Philocheras (Crustacea, Decapoda, Crangonidae) au cours du cycle annuel. Vie Milieu, 30 : 185-193
Labat J.-Ph., 1977. Ecologie de Crangon crangon (L.) (Decapoda, Caridea) dans un étang de la côte languedocienne. I. Croissance, reproduction, migrations mer/étang. Vie Milieu, 27 : 273-292. Tap en PDF
Labat J.-Ph., 1977. Ecologie de Crangon crangon (L.) (Decapoda Caridea) dans un étang de la côte languedocienne. II. Mouvements et répartition intralagunaires. Vie Milieu, 27 : 359-367 Tap en PDF
Labat J.-Ph., 1974. Croissance de Penaeus japonicus Bate dans l'étang de Bages-Sigean (Aude) en captivité dans le milieu naturel (été 1973). Vie Milieu, 24 : 301-308.
Labat J.-Ph., 1974. Présence de Philocheras monacanthus (Holthuis) (Crustacea Decapoda) dans la baie de Banyuls-sur-Mer (Pyrénées-Orientales). Vie Milieu, 24 : 519-522.